’s sole motivation is to make travel easier and more fun for everybody. It is a platform to connect travelers to locals who can help them with their itineraries or answer any unanswered questions. When you decide to venture out into the great unknown we will help you find a friend and a guide. There is no fee. It is a traveler helping out other travelers. 

Who is a globeloper?

A globeloper is a traveler at heart. Someone who relishes the excitement as well as nervousness of being in a new place, someone who likes to listen to the stories of other travelers, someone who finds happiness in ensuring other travelers have the best possible experience, someone who is willing to donate a few minutes or hours guiding a fellow traveler.

Interested in being a globeloper? Reach out to us, we would love to grow this community with you!


Check out these itineraries for ideas for your next adventure!

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